23 June 2013

Litchfield VW show

Last weekend, Father's Day Weekend, I took the family and the Thingamajigger down to the Litchfield CT VW show. It was my choice as to what I wanted to do for Father's Day and I had heard good things about the show. Plus I knew a few friends were going, so I was guaranteed to have some fun while taking jabs from the air cooled only guys.

Got there and set up camp.

This was fairly early in the arrivals, so I was able to back right up against the tree line for some shade.  Folks just kept coming in all day filling up the camp area.

Wondered if that panoramic shot would work in blogger?

Had a good day of watching the VWs roll in, watching my son play with a few other kids and enjoying a cigar and some 20 year Tawny Port while making goo goo eyes at my wife.

With the sun setting, and my son climbing up the sides of the vans, we hunkered down for a good night.

The following morning started MUCH earlier than expected.  At 4 am I hear some of the air cooled VWs fire up to move to the show field. Really, 4am?  So one glance from the wife stating 'no friggin way' and I roll over and try to sleep again to no avail.

6am and my kids binging off the pop top.  Time to make breakfast.  When I do escape, and make my way to the pottie- Andrew Flint tells me that its best to move to the topside, and to enter the van in the show to get the best parking.  Ok, we are making a move.

Actually worked out well.  Being entered in the show gave us great access and seating to watch the days events.  Spoke with some interesting folks about vans, and some kid who told me the story of getting his diesel Vanagon dynoed.  You did what? And why?

Good day for all, even the wife.

Saw this on way out.  See the blue oval sticker up above? Wag more, Bark less.

Update:  came home July 13 to find this:

Thingamajigger did well.  Good girl.

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